Work Packages

Support-e’s team effort is broken down into 7 WPs, here you can find a brief summary of their participants and goals.

WP1 – Assessing CCP, conducting clinical evaluation and defining best practices

Team Leader – IRCCS OSM
Partner – EBA, AUH, ASST di Mantova, Blutspende SRK,  CNS-ISS, DRK-BSD, EFS, NHSBT, Sanquin, SSI, Rode Kruis


1. Assess upcoming and ongoing clinical trials
2. Produce preliminary clinical trial guidelines and assessment criteria
3. Produce preliminary monitored access guidelines
4. Monitor upcoming and ongoing clinical trials

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WP2 – Supporting high quality clinical evaluation and producing data-sets for inclusion in the database

Team Leader – DRK-BSD
Partner – EBA, Asst di Mantova, Blutspende SRK, CNS-ISS, EFS, IRCCS OSM, NHSBT, Sanquin, Rode Kruis


1. Include selected clinical trials and monitored access programmes in SUPPORT-E – feasibility assessment
2. Provide funding for selected clinical trials with limited own resources
3. Ensure high-quality dataset accrual in the database
4. Interact with different stakeholders to promote high-quality clinical evaluation of CCP and generate novel clinical data
5. Enable interactions between clinical trial groups and reference labs on SARS-CoV-2 antibody testing
6. Undertake further analysis on CCP collection and use

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WP3 – Collecting, monitoring and analysing EU-CCP Database data

Team Leader – EFS
Partners – AUH, DRK-BSD, SSI


1. Govern the database
2. Collect data and monitor real-time data accrual
3. Analyse data

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WP4 – Improving plasma potency assessment

Team Leader – Sanquin
Partners – EBA, AUH, DRK-BSD, EFS, NHSBT, Rode Kruis


1. Facilitating anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibody testing
2. Access and cross-border standardization of Plaque Reduction Neutralisation Test (PRNT) testing
3. Compare commercially available assays to PRNT and/or Microneutralisation (MN)
4. Characterise antibody content

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WP5 – Developing recommendations and preparing for the future

Team Leader – NHSBT
Partners – EBA, AUH, ASST di Mantova, Blutspende SRK, CNS-ISS, DRK-BSD, EFS, IRCCS OSM, Rode Kruis, Sanquin, SSI


1. Integrate all project-generated information
2. Conduct cost benefit analysis
3. Perform SWOT assessment to support future substances of human origin (SoHO) development
4. Develop recommendations for CCP collection
5. Develop recommendations for CCP use to treat COVID-19
6. Develop recommendations for future outbreaks of SARS-CoV-2 or other novel pathogens

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WP6 – Dissemination, exploitation and communication

Team Leader – CNS-ISS
Partners – EBA, ASST di Mantova, AUH, Blutspende SRK, DRK-BSD, EFS, IRCCS OSM, NHSBT, Rode Kruis, Sanquin, SSI


1. Develop dissemination and exploitation plan and dissemination material
2. Contribute to pubblications and press releases
3. Draw up layman versions of the technical reports
4. Organise of a final meeting-Stakeholder conference
5. Interact with parallel projects and conduct dialogue with EU

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WP7 – Project Management

Team Leader – EBA
Partners – EBA, ASST di Mantova, Blutspende SRK, DRK- BSD, EFS, IRCCS OSM, NHSBT, Sanquin, Rode Kruis, SSI


1. Coordinate project
2. Manage project
3. Manage administration and finance

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